BVK - wir zertifizieren den ökologischen Landbau

Directory of Regulated Organic Products Businesses

Look up businesses with organic products
Business name:
[enter at least 3 letters]

and / or
Post code:
[enter at least three digits]


How the directory works

You can use this directory to research German companies which are subject to the organic farming inspection process. The current data and information will be called up directly from the corresponding control body and displayed in the BVK directory (Conference of Control bodies directory).

The result of your search will contain a link to the current certification or the current certification status as well as a link to the organic business's expired certificates. Whether the respective business may market organic products can be determined from the current certification. Use the link provided for this purpose.

Data protection

The BVK operates the directory of inspected businesses in the organic farming field observing the protection of personal information in conformance with guideline 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and the European Council. No data or organic certifications are stored in the BVK directory itself. The current data and information are called up directly from the corresponding control body and displayed in the BVK directory. The BVK directory serves exclusively for research into organic companies as well as their updated organic certifications. In order to prevent abuse the research is only possible after entering a minimum of information.

Extent of the Directory

All the German control bodies and thereby all organic businesses in Germany are linked into the BVK directory. The Luxembourg organic businesses are also included the into the BVK directory.